More development cooperation support for German companies in the Global South?

The Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the CDU parliamentary group are united in calling for German industry to receive more support from the BMZ for its investments in the Global South and for development cooperation to be at least partially tied to deliveries in future. Roger Peltzer evaluates these demands and assesses whether and to what extent the deficits diagnosed by the BDI and CDU actually exist.

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German development cooperation must become more effective and efficient.

German development cooperation is under fire. When drawing up the new budget for 2024, funding for development cooperation was cut by around 700 million euros compared to 2023. At the same time, the public debate about the efficiency and impact of German development aid is growing. In his essay, Roger Peltzer makes concrete proposals on how the efficiency of German development aid can be increased and how more market funds can be mobilized outside the budget for development financing.

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